Orbyt Media Fonds

Biographical History


Orbyt Media, now a division of Bell Media, is Canada’s leading radio content syndication group. It provides a variety of programs and broadcast services to over 380 stations in 155 markets across Canada. Orbyt’s programs extend outside of radio to web, mobile, and other emerging technologies, although Orbyt is considered a world leader in integrated radio solutions, including productions, branding opportunities, media programming strategies, writing and production facilities, and nationally syndicated programs and online services. Some of Orbyt’s entertainment properties include: On Air with Ryan Seacrest, The Secret History of Rock with Alan Cross, The 80s Show with Stu Jeffries and “KCC”, and Sixx Sense with Nikki Sixx, amongst others. As well, Orbyt represents leading production and imaging brands, such as Wise Buddah, ReelWorld, and Production Vault.

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Preservation concerns may limit access, consult archivist.

Orbyt Media Fonds