Between the Pillars - Season 2, Ep. 8 - Special Collections Friends

On the February 11, 2022 episode of the Between the Pillars video podcast, Media Commons Archives Archivists Rachel Beattie and Christina Stewart were featured. Watch the podcast now:

A treasure trove, the Media Archives acquires, preserves and makes available archival and special collection materials of Canadian national and regional significance relating to the audiovisual and media communities and popular culture. This includes - but is not limited to - historical and contemporary film/video production, advertising, electronic and print journalism, broadcasting, photographic arts, and multimedia and music production. These collections contain film, video, audio, photographic, digital and printed media formats. We chat with the Media Archives' two archivists, Rachel Beattie and Christina Stewart, and they introduce us to the archives as a whole as well as focus on some specific archival collections. And there are film clips to watch!