This fonds consists of one series, arranged according to the creator’s system. Boxes 1-33 represent the accounting files of Rush Productions, ORS Management Corporation, and By-Tour Inc., in rough chronological order from 1972-2009. Boxes 34-47 represent the accounting files of PLD UK, PLD Tourco (also listed as 113696 Canada Ltd.), and LDP Entertainment, also in rough chronological order, from 1986-2010. Records in this fonds include correspondence, road floats and expense reports, payroll reports and summaries, income statements and work dues invoices, import/export documents and customs invoices, equipment lists, equipment lease agreements, bus and transport rental agreements, immigration documents, tour itineraries, tour riders, agreements with various sound, lighting, pyrotechnical and laser companies, corporate tax returns, various receipts and invoices, and various corporate year-end accounting reports.
Please note that this fonds contains personally identifying information found in payroll statements, tax returns, immigration documents, contractor invoices, and other documents, including names, addresses, birth dates, social security, salary information, social insurance, and passport numbers, therefore, due to privacy concerns, those records are restricted.
Please note that this fonds contains personally identifying information found in payroll statements, tax returns, immigration documents, contractor invoices, and other documents, including names, addresses, birth dates, social security, salary information, social insurance, and passport numbers, therefore, due to privacy concerns, those records are restricted.