The first series, Personal Files & Ephemera, includes agendas, books, guest books, rehearsal schedules, tour books, photographs, correspondences, T-shirts, business cards, magazines, photo CDs, and a personal hard drive. It also contains condolences related to, and a DVD recording of, Israelievitch's funeral.
The second series, Video, includes concert performances, rehearsal videos, prepared remarks for a speech to the Alliance française, and photographs. One video documents a Toronto Symphony Orchestra strike; another commemorates Israelievitch's 2008 retirement.
The third series, Audio, includes concert performances, university master class recordings, radio dubs. Some performances were taped at University of Toronto's Hart House; some others were taped with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.
The fourth series, Jacques Israelievitch - 50th Birthday Concert, includes photographs, concert programs, scrapbooks, invitation flyers, and handwritten letters. It also contains books containing original music written by Danny Rubin, Ruth Watson Henderson, Raymond Luedeke, and R. Murray Schafer, specifically for the occasion.
The fifth series, Sheet Music & Scores, includes sheet music, scores, and related correspondences. It includes music written by Oskar Morawetz, passed down from Israelievitch's mentor Josef Gingold, as well as teaching materials given to master class pupils.
The sixth series, Professional Files, includes correspondences, photographs, copies of signed contracts, television programs, concert programs, festival programs, and résumés. It also contains materials related to master classes Israelievitch taught in Japan.
The seventh series, The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, includes contracts, correspondences, photographs, newspaper profiles, concert programs, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes.
The eighth series, Chautauqua Institution: Chautauqua School of Music, includes contracts, correspondences, student evaluations, class rosters, newspaper clippings, thank you letters, and photographs of Israelievitch with students.
The ninth series, Postcards, includes blank postcards, postcard books, and postcard sets. Many of them are from his travels throughout Asia.
The tenth series, Art Gallery & Exhibition Card Announcements, includes art announcements, newsletters, brochures, newspapers, magazines, and art posters.
The eleventh series, Correspondence, includes holiday cards, birthday cards, thank you cards, correspondences with students, and French-language correspondences with family. Correspondences include letters from: The White House (Washington, D.C.); Arts & Letters Club of Toronto; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Concul General of the Federal Republic of Germany; University of Toronto; and others.
The twelfth series, Press & Promotional, includes newspapers, magazines, program cover layouts, promotional photographs, posters, and postcards.
The thirteenth series, Programs & Reviews, includes newspaper and magazine clippings, concert programs, and correspondences.
The fourteenth series, Artwork & Posters, includes exhibition posters, concert posters, framed prints, and inkjet prints.